55th at the Hall of Fame

On September 12th, 2013, about 30 from our class attended the St. Louis Park Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet.  This was a very special year for our Class of 1958, because several classmates received honors and were admitted to that Hall of Fame. 

In particular, Carole Banbury Shulman was named one of two of the first recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award.  You may remember that Carole was a figure skater during our high school years.  She went on to become a much sought after teacher and coach for figure skaters, wrote a prominent textbook for coaches of ice skaters and contributed enormously to her professional association of figure skating coaches.  She was there that evening with her husband, and former skating coach at the Broadmore in Colorado Springs, David Shulman.

Our 1958 State Track Team Champions were also inducted as a team into the Hall of Fame.  Art Patterson, Rod Lazorik, Tim Kiernan, Bob Erickson and others were present at the Banquet and we all enjoyed the attentions that was given to our classmates.

The pictures you view in this album of the Hall of Fame Banquet were taken by Monica, daughter of Tim Kiernan. 

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